With Private Markets Logo in White

Data, intelligence and analysis on private equity, real estate and private credit

Know the market, your competitors and your opportunities

With Private Equity in White
With Real Estate Logo in White
With Private Credit Logo in White

Why use our private markets intelligence and data?

We help you make better connections, raise your profile, broaden your understanding and develop your relationships.

Our focus is on quality and providing rich and valuable information on the funds and opportunities that matter to you.

Our comprehensive data, news and intelligence, exclusive commentary and our analysts’ perspectives give you the detailed view for more accurate targeting and more relevant conversations.

Using our profiles and filters you can quicky find the investors who are most relevant to you.

And you can easily tailor our continuous intel feed, to stay in the know.

  • Find the right investors – spend less time building your pipeline and more time having proactive conversations

  • Deliver the right message – develop your competitor knowledge, and play to your strengths

  • Approach them at the right time – stay ahead of your competition and know where the investors are in their lifecycle and focus

Private Markets Brochure Cover With Intelligence

A range of products that work together, or independently, on our contemporary, user-friendly With platform

Our three solutions:

With Private Equity in Black
With Real Estate Logo in Black
With Private Credit Logo in Black

Detailed information, curated content, linked for quick navigation.

Our detailed profiles include:


Intentions and preferences
Contacts, appointed investment consultants, investment portfolio information including the allocation breakdown, the fund roster, activities (mandates awarded or change in asset allocation), service providers, public documents, related news


Summary, investor contacts, awarded manager, and mandate history supporting public documents


Contacts, funds managed, investors and related news


Managers they’re working with and the related investors, mandates, clients, contacts, locations, news


Summary including fund strategy, lifecycle, asset class and fund criteria, performance info including other funds in the series, investment information including types of financing. Detailed dossiers are including for over 600 funds.

Proprietary, curated data for more informed decision making

Intentions and preferences

See who is planning to allocate where and why, to assess potential alignment, identify opportunities and review ESG credentials.

Here’s an example:

  • Plans to allocate $200m to private equity in 2023 via 5-10 funds, range $15m-$40m

  • Plans to allocate $100m to private credit in 2023 via 2-4 primary funds, range $25m-$50m

  • Committed to increasing allocations to diverse managers, via an impact score assessing proportion of female and ethnic minority owners or employees when hiring

Fund dossiers

Our popular fund dossiers deliver detailed knowledge on funds that are in market. They focus on funds in their fund-raising period including, real estate, real estate debt, private equity, private debt/credit and real assets.

Our analysts comb numerous sources for relevant information, curating it to give you an easy-to-interpret snapshot.

Content includes: fund overview, characteristics, strategy, investment restrictions, fees and distributions, manager overview, track records, performance of previous funds, team members, ESG approach/credentials, collated strengths and potential issues, commitments and recommendations, appendices and sources.

With Private Equity in Black











Includes completed and discontinued mandates

With Real Estate Logo in Black











Includes completed and discontinued mandates

With Private Credit Logo in Black











Includes completed and discontinued mandates

Develop your business using With Private Markets Logo in Black

Helping asset managers

Identify new asset raising opportunities and track investor sentiment to understand how to position yourself for effective asset raising.

Helping service providers

Identify, and qualify, timely opportunities via the Now feed and our intelligence on key manager activities, to help you find the most relevant prospects to contact.

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